A Non Governmental Organization making quality education accessible, Values of Affordable Education (VOA) is set to empower more Nigerian Students with VOA Foundation Scholarship scheme for the 2024/2025 academic year.
The Founder and Philanthropist, Olabisi Adekoya said this year’s Scholarship program includes the Arts for us to holistically mind the gap of our of schools kids. Though we started with STEM, we accept the difficulty in separating Arts from STEM. In this day and age, this integration is resounding from making or learning history, farming, cooking, engineering designs to a pharmacist a formulating medications etc. We are more rounded, enriched by adding soft skills, emotional intelligence to enrich our humanity.
During our “Mind The Gap” 2023 Fundraising Gala, Keynote Speaker Jessica Agboola (Founder, Kinsis gave a powerful speech on Integrating the Arts into STEM (visit our YouTube channel for more on this topic). Hence, we are promoting the TEAM in STEAM, an idea from our VOA Board member Dr. Eluemuno Blyden (CEO, Avril Biopharma).
The scholarship is primarily for students with financial need. Other requirements for application include submission of a one (1) page “Personal Essay” (including a biographical sketch, educational aspirations, community service and career goals). Visit www.voacharity.org for more details.
Olabisi noted that Scholarship awardees may enroll in the private universities/institutions in Nigeria, adding that upon completion of enrollment, the school registrar must send verification of admission, enrollment and curriculum to VOA Foundation.
Adekoya said applications received will be screened and verified, anticipating many more applications for VOA Foundation Scholarship.
“Applications received will be screened and verified as deemed appropriate.
“Essays must be typed, double-spaced, with all margins at least one (1) inch and uploaded as a PDF document via the application form. The absence of essay will merit ZERO (0) points for that category.
“Scholarship winners may enroll in an accredited private university/institution in Nigeria. Upon completion of enrollment, the school registrar must send verification of admission, enrollment and curriculum to VOA.
“After the required verifications are completed and finalized, individual award payments for the chosen scholars will be made directly to the private institution/university.
“We anticipate many more applications for VOA
Foundation Scholarship than we can accept, so applications will be competitive.
“Applications received will be screened and verified as deemed appropriate.
“Our Scholarship Committee will shortlist using a scale of one hundred (100) points considering academic achievement, extracurricular activities, community activities, and personal essay to competitively rank applicants and interviewed.” She said.
“This article was first published in the guardian” https://guardian.ng/news/voa-launches-scholarship-scheme-to-more-nigerian-students/
I would love to have the scholarship
Nice one
Good job
Nice one
Good job
I will be very happy if am granted this scholarship
Nice job
I will love to have the scholarship because I want to become and engineer and will love to explore in it
Honestly this is an awesome privilege, I would love to have it
Honestly this is an awesome privilege, I would love to have it
This is encouraging, putting platforms in place for younger students to thrive academically
This is truly a God produced privilege for people to be stars