Fiwasewa Ogundipe

With a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture as well as a Masters in Environmental Design from the University of Lagos, Nigeria- Fiwa is ever learning and seeking out knowledge on the diverse yet connected realms of the built and natural environment. She has a heart for underserved communities, as well as youth mentorship and is keen to contribute towards their resilience amidst the ever-shifting forces of nature and daily hardships. Fiwa completed a Master’s Degree in Landscape Architecture at UC Berkeley in 2022, during which she served on the Lecture Committee of the ASLA Student Chapter. While in the Program, she also served as the Landscape Architecture Student Co-Chair of the College of Environmental Design Students of Colour Association (CEDSOC) advocating for and liaising between students of colour and leadership at the Department. Fiwa was nominated as UC Berkeley’s 2022 Landscape Architecture Foundation Olmsted Scholar and remains a part of the Fellowship Circle. Currently, she serves as the Secretary of the Executive Committee of ASLA-Northern California Chapter (ASLA-NCC).

Working as a Landscape Designer since 2022, Fiwa is energized by beauty and is intrigued at the way in which landscape design is able to transcend her several fields of study. She enjoys writing and hopes to bring- through growth and experience- the merging of her gifts and skills to serve as a powerful tools towards community play scale interventions, storytelling & place-making in ways that honor context and culture.

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