VOA Charity

VOA Charity

Sunu Reew Medical Mission certifies VOA in The Gambia

Sunu Reew Medical Mission has certified a not-for-profit organisation, Values of Affordable Education (VOA) Charity, recently in The Gambia. The Mission gave the Certificate of Recognition to VOA for participating actively in health outreach on diabetes and High Blood Pressure…

NGO set to empower Nigerian students with scholarship scheme

A non-government organisation making quality education accessible, Values of Affordable Education (VOA) is set to empower more Nigerian students with the VOA Foundation Scholarship Scheme for the 2024–2025 academic year. The founder and philanthropist, Olabisi Adekoya, said this year’s scholarship…

Why Safe School Alliance?

Welcome to the 1st edition of the Safe Schools supplement in the Guardian Newspaper.Children’s safety and education remain our priority as advocates for safety in schools.The Safe School Alliance (SSA) is an advocacy group that is promoting the need to…

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